Natural childbirth: The 411

As you plan for the birth of your child, you’ll discover a wide range of natural childbirth options worth exploring. Many alternative birth experiences such as birthing centers, home birth, and water birth are gaining popularity.

July 10, 2019

At Motherfigure, we believe the best childbirth experience is whatever results in a healthy child and mother. There’s no “wrong” or “unnatural” way to give birth. For us, the most important thing is making sure mothers feel empowered during their birth experience. Rather than outcomes, then, it’s about ensuring women feel they understand what’s happening and included in the process. 

These days, natural childbirth has a lot of different meanings. For some women, natural childbirth means a vaginal delivery, and others want to avoid medical intervention, period. Some women want to avoid an epidural. 

As such, we encourage all new parents to take control of their childbirth experience. Whenever possible, customize your labor and delivery. Consider health factors (for you and your baby), personal preferences, and belief systems as you explore your birthing options. With enough research and planning, the perfect birthing experience is waiting for you.

Some women do have strong preferences. If you’re interested in a natural childbirth, here are a few things to consider to facilitate a natural childbirth.

Find a doula

First, we recommend finding a doula. Doulas are professional “childbirth coaches” who guide expectant mothers through many of the emotional and physical aspects of pregnancy. Some doulas focus specifically on labor, while others provide assistance throughout your pregnancy. 

Doulas are a valuable resource, often possessing expert knowledge of holistic pain medication, birth strategies, and different natural childbirth methods. An experienced doula can help you and your partner understand all your birthing options. With your doula’s guidance, you’ll be able to plan the perfect birthing experience for you and your family.

So how do you find a doula? Using an online community like Motherfigure, you’ll be able to find the best doulas in your region. Ask for recommendations from other new parents and do your homework. 

Once you have a few potential candidates, make a list of questions and interview them. Look for a doula who communicates clearly, shares your personal values, and understands your needs. It’s also okay to ask the doula to provide references from past clients.

When you find the right doula, they can help you go over your options for natural childbirth.

Explore ways to manage pain and stress

Staying calm helps labor continue to progress. Although every woman is different, we’ve found that the below tips are good ways to manage pain and stress: 

  • Remember your contractions have a purpose. Try not to dread the next one coming
  • Stay mobile! 
  • Apply counterpressure during the contractions
  • Keep breathing
  • Try water, either in the shower or a tub (if available)
  • See if a TENS device helps

Next, create an environment that will work well for you. Some parents-to-be like the peace of mind provided by giving birth in a hospital, while others find that a home birth is less anxiety-inducing. Still others may decide that a hospital and doula combination is the best of both worlds. What matters most is finding an environment you feel most comfortable in, and that you understand your choice. Some of your options include: 

  • Birthing center: A birthing center is a special facility dedicated to childbirth, usually staffed by trained nurse midwives. Birthing centers are less “clinical” than a hospital and designed to create a warm, welcoming environment for mothers and babies. These facilities approach pregnancy and childbirth as beautiful life events, whereas some hospital maternity wards treat them as medical procedures. At a birthing center, you’ll be given more options for an unmedicated birth and alternative pain relief. Care tends to be more personalized, as well. For some mothers, a birthing center is the perfect middle ground between a hospital birth and a home birth.
  • Home birth: As the name implies, home birth is when you give birth to your child at home. Home births are usually attended by your doula, as well as a trained midwife who can bring all the necessary medical supplies. Giving birth in your home means you have complete control over the environment. You won’t be restricted by hospital rules so you can change positions during labor, shower, and eat or drink. Your natural childbirth can also be attended by more relatives and loved ones, but the cost can be high. Since insurance may not cover a home birth, you may be expected to pay up to $5,000 out of pocket for the experience Plus, with a home birth, medical attention isn’t always close within reach, which is why working with a certified midwife and preparing for the unexpected is so important.
  • Water birth: A water birth is a delivery method where mothers are submerged in a special birthing tub. Usually occurring at a birthing center or under the guidance of a midwife at home, a water birth provides comfort during contractions and can create a more soothing environment. 

Some believe that water birth is also a gentler transition for the baby because he or she has been immersed in amniotic fluid for nine months, but it does come with its own set of risks, including infection and drowning

Keep your options open

As you plan your natural childbirth, remember to expect the unexpected. Pregnancy is full of change and potential complications. Always do whatever is best for you and your baby. There’s no shame in altering your birth plans at the last minute. 

After all, there may be medical reasons that make so-called natural childbirth methods too risky or outright impossible. Some women may choose to have an unmedicated pregnancy yet still require an epidural or even a last-minute cesarean. Your childbirth plan should empower you to make whatever decision is right for you and your family in that moment.

So keep your options open! And, as always, consult your doctor or licensed healthcare provider before making any medical decisions. 

Learn more about natural childbirth at Motherfigure

For more information about alternative childbirth experiences, visit Motherfigure! Motherfigure is a safe space for all pregnant women and new mothers. Learn more about finding a doula, compare different birthing techniques, and read what other moms have to say about natural childbirth.

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